Keto Air Fryer Snickerdoodle Cookie [Single Serving Dessert]

These snickerdoodle cookies are crunchy on the outside and gooey in the middle. In our opinion, they are much better than other keto-friendly cookies that are usually cooked in the microwave. If you’ve got an air fryer and are looking for sweet keto treats to cook up, give this single-serve air fryer snickerdoodle recipe a try!

Here’s how you cook these delicious cookies. Start by adding the wet ingredients into a bowl and mixing them thoroughly together. You can then mix the dry ingredients in and knead the mixture together. The xanthan gum really helps this process as it makes sure the cookies bind well together so they don’t fall apart during the cooking process.

Once you’ve got your mixture, you create two balls and place them on parchment paper so you can flatten them into cookie shapes. They then go into the air fryer to cook. A few minutes later, you’ll have two delicious cookies to devour.

If you’d like to make a bigger batch, you can double or triple the recipe—but just make sure you only cook two at a time. These cookies are great served hot or you can cool them down and eat them later for a snack.

Read the full recipe with full nutrition breakdown and step-by-step pictures over at:


1/2 tablespoon butter, softened
1 teaspoon almond butter
1 large egg yolk
1 1/3 tablespoon erythritol
2 1/3 tablespoon almond flour
1/8 teaspoon xanthan gum
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract
Salt to taste
2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Nutrition Summary: This makes a total of 1 serving of Keto Single Serving Air Fryer Snickerdoodle. Each serving comes out to be 252 calories, 21.4g fat, 4g net carbs, and 7.5g protein.


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