OUR NEW CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/c/ThemFatales
Ginger and Lovely Assistant Raven are exceptionally back for one night of chit chat and games on the classic Youtube Livestreams!
You can come and ask ANY question, and we’ll happily let you know how things have been for us in the last few months.
Basically, if you are still reading this after the months of disappearance chances are you’re one of the good ones and we LOVE to chat with you like old friends over a cuppa!
Put it on the calendar and come back tonight at 8pm GMT for some Halloween Fun!

In case you want / can afford direct support these are the ways to help our work and research directly:

👕 Merchandise: http://teespring.com/stores/ketointheuk
🅿️ Patreon Virtual Family: http://patreon.com/ketointheuk
📺 YouTube Memberships: http://youtube.com/ketointheuk/join
💸 PayPal Tips: http://paypal.me/larobxn

Come interact and share your recipes and ideas on
INSTAGRAM http://instagr.am/ketointhe.uk
FACEBOOK GROUP https://www.facebook.com/groups/lowcarbuk
FACEBOOK PAGE https://www.facebook.com/lowcarbuk

🥓 Ginger’s Keto Recipes https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC_4AH71o86iR8JjI3ONXrowou8f82bA9

💬 Ginger’s Keto Science Talkies https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC_4AH71o86hP9WxN6PjI-7aiFtCybJ2G

🛒 Keto Food Hauls and Shopping Lists https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC_4AH71o86iJ252pry8xOld_bPy52h0I

📚 How To Keto Beginner’s Guide https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC_4AH71o86jteGB_2ObbLYIrIBxi4Zux

The Info and knowledge of the Ketogenic Diet, Biology and Biochemistry usually come from personal curiosity and research. I do however hold the following certifications so far:
THE OPEN UNIVERSITY – The Science of Nutrition (2015)
UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN – Nutrition and Wellbeing (2016)
STANFORD UNIVERSITY – Introduction to Food and Health (2019)
UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN – Diabetes – the Essential Facts

I love to research but I am not a medical professional and the information given here does not constitute medical advice.
If you embark on a lifestyle change please do consult your doctor first.
