I used to hate brussels sprouts! But after a few tries with some different brussels sprouts recipes, I began to love them. It really comes down to get the seasonings right and this recipe does just that!

This recipe takes shredded brussels sprouts, ground pork, and some tasty seasonings to create a delectable dinner!

Read the full recipe with full nutrition breakdown and step-by-step pictures over at: https://www.ruled.me/keto-brussels-sprouts-pork-skillet/


500 gram brussels sprouts, trimmed + shredded
500 gram ground pork
2 tablespoon coconut aminos
2 tablespoon avocado oil
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 medium lemon, juice of
Salt and pepper to taste
2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped

Nutrition Summary: This makes a total of 4 servings of Keto Brussels Sprouts Pork Skillet. Each serving comes out to be 453 calories, 34.2g fat, 9.6g net carbs, and 23.9g protein.


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